Reading Profile

I would definitely consider myself an avid reader! My two favorite genres are romance and fantasy and I used to never read anything outside of those genres. However, last year I took over the book club at the library where I work so now I have been reading some genres that I typically wouldn't have chosen for myself. One book club book that I ended up loving (and that totally surprised me) was The Alice Network by Kate Quinn. I hardly ever enjoy historical fiction books but this ended up being my favorite book club pick of 2023! For a brief time I was also in a book club with a few of my co-workers at the library and we called our club Better Read Than Dead. So that is where my blog name came from! 

Some of my favorite authors are Lucy Score, Jennifer L.Armentrout, Devney Perry, and Mariana Zapata. Those are all authors that I will drop everything I'm doing to read their new releases. I tend to read multiple books at one time so some of the books that I am currently reading are Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros, City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Claire (a re-read for me), and The Watchmen by Alan Moore. I just finished A Fire in the Flesh by Jennifer L. Armentrout and am anxiously waiting for pretty much any new book by her to come out!

I read about 70 books last year which is actually a little less than normal for me. Since I started this program and have gotten busier at work I don't have as much time to read. The most books I have ever read in a year is 272 and I was so proud of that! It was in 2020 when we weren't able to open the library and I did nothing but read all day. 

Here are my top 5 books I read in 2023:

1) Rock Bottom Girl by Lucy Score

2) Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer

3) The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter

4) Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

5) Happy Place by Emily Henry

I honestly have the hardest time choosing my top 5 favorite books of all time because it changes all the time depending on my mood. But here are my top 5 favorite books as of right now in no particular order:

1) From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

2) The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata

3) 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston

4) Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters

5) Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren


  1. Hi Callie! I never thought about our brain considering that multitasking! I would be curious to know how that affects the brain as well. Whenever I read multiple books at a time I try to make them different enough that I won't get them confused. For example, not long ago I was listening to City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Claire, reading Happy Place by Emily Henry, and also reading Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen. Those were all very different so I didn't really have any problems jumping back into them. However, if I'm reading two books in the same genre then I definitely get them confused! Sometimes I will just keep on reading and hope my brain eventually straightens out all the different story lines 😂
    I tend to just pick up whichever book I'm feeling at the time. I don't really read a certain number of chapters and then grab another book. I am definitely a mood reader so whichever one sounds best at the time is the one that I'll grab!
    This is a total 180 from what I was like in high school. I could only ever read one book at a time and I would never DNF a book. Now I probably read too many at a time and I don't care to DNF a book on page 4 if I'm not feeling it.

  2. Hey Allison! I also love Lucy Score! The Knockemout series did things to me, like genuinely I have so much love for that world and those characters. When I finished the the third and final book in that world, I was so upset. I hate to see them go on without me! Definitely will have to reread those books at some point.

    I have been wanting to read Rock Bottom Girl by Lucy for quite a while now. It has just been looking at me on my bookshelf for some time. It's on my 2024 TBR, so I have to get around to it. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I am excited to do the same!

    1. Hi Megan! I love meeting other people that love Lucy Score!! I actually got to meet her last year when she was in Cincinnati for the release of Things We Hide From the Light and that was a ton of fun.

      Rock Bottom Girl sat on my TBR list for a long time before I finally picked it up. Not sure why I kept putting it off but it is now one of my favorite books of Lucy's! Also, if you aren't part of her Binge Readers Anonymous (BRA) group on Facebook I highly recommend! It's a fun group to be in.

  3. Excellent reading profile! I finally jumped on The Fourth Wing bandwagon and am on the second book. So far it is living up to the hype! I also LOVE the blog name/book club name!


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