Week 15 Prompt - Marketing Your Collection
Right now at my library the main way that we market our fiction collection is to create displays around our library. I create most of the displays for our adult collection and I create displays for different genres, special days/holidays, new books, and really anything that I see online that I think might be a good display. For my library there are four display areas of various sizes near the front desk and then the ends of every bookshelf also hold 2-3 books for display. All of these displays are generally used for the adult fiction and non-fiction collections. There are other display aers for teen and juvenile books. This is an easy way to get books to really stand out to patrons. We are a smaller library though and I have run into the problem where I don’t have enough books on a topic to fill a display and then keep filling it as books are checked out. Luckily for us, we are part of a large consortium so I have plenty of libraries to borrow books from for the displays. The only down...